
My Photos of London are Gray...

As promised, here are the photos from my tour of London around the Thames. I think they're much better at showing what I saw on Friday than my words do! I would strongly recommend reading the captions, not only because I spent a lot of time on them, but also because they are really informative and interesting! =P Also note how gray and dark everything is. London style (interior design and fashion design) is based on this unique lighting color. You'll find a lot of Blacks, Khakis, Grays, Whites, and neutral creamy colors because these hues look the best in "London light". I'm actually doing a research project on it! Aaanyways, click on the photos below for the pictures!

Yesterday we went shopping on Oxford Street, the high-end shopping district of London. I bought one shirt (it was on sale) at Topshop, a famous London clothing store. We also visited a number of other shops such as H&M, and large department stores in the style of Macy's. There are so many shops to see, though! The only other thing I need to buy are "wellies" - or Rain boots. I like calling them Wellies though. =P My friend Bekah and I are planning on going to a store tomorrow which says they have wellies on sale. Wish us luck!

The only things I have done today are: sleep in, work on homework, eat cereal, and go for a 4 mile jog around Regent's Park. Regent's Park is the Central Park of London, but bigger! There are soccer fields, running paths, a lake FULL of Waterfowl (no, seriously, there's a bird for every square foot of water, I'm sure), and lots of people out for a stroll. Today was such a lovely day, the sun was shining and it was almost 9 degrees! Celsius, of course. I really enjoyed the run, and think I will have to continue doing it on weekends - provided the weather is nice - as a way of both bird and people watching.

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